Skia4Delphi is one of the most useful open-source 2D graphics libraries and windows app development tools that can supercharge your FireMonkey and VCL apps’ user interface. One of the notable advantages of using this library is that it gives you the ability to combine or merge different animations with transparency that certainly adds that “wow factor” to your apps. In this video, we will get to know more about the quick and easy process of adding your favorite Lottie Animations and Telegram Stickers using the TelegramStickerBrowser project that is written in Delphi with the Skia4Delphi library.
How to Download Stickers from Lottie and Telegram
Lottie is a JSON Based Animation format that can easily add high-quality animation to any native app. TSkLottieAnimation is one of Skia4Delphi’s main components that allows users to easily overlay animations on top of each other. We can also recall Ian Barker managed to simulate a Star Trek-inspired data dashboard using these components. Lottie is an iOS, Android, and React Native library that renders After Effects animations in real time, allowing apps to use animations as easily as they use static images. They are also notably small files that work on any device and can scale up or down without pixelation.
Aside from Lottie Animations, you can also download Stickers from Telegram, a popular messaging platform. To do so, simply browse the stickers you want using the Sticker Downloader Bot in Telegram. Copy the sticker to the clipboard and paste it into the chat box. This will provide you with a link to download which you can easily load to Delphi via the TelegramStickerBrowser component.
How to Use TelegramStickerBrowser
TelegramStickerBrowser, as the term clearly suggests, is a desktop browser for Telegram stickers (TGS) and Lottie (JSON) animation files. This uses the Skia4Delphi library that provides you access to a great number of free and high-quality animations. The TelegramStickerBrowser includes a small selection of colorful and HD stickers from LottieFiles but you can also download additional stickers from Telegram via the StickerDownload bot. Mckeeth will also demonstrate how to export these stickers from After Effects.
If you want to learn more about this fascinating project that can supercharge your app’s interface, feel free to watch the video below.
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