LearnDelphi.org Champions
Our Champions are volunteers who help collect, curator, and create the learning resources you find here on LearnDelphi.org. There are many other community members who contribute content and help others to learn programming with Delphi here and elsewhere on the web. LearnDelphi.org wouldn’t exist with out all of their efforts.

Landerson Gomes
Landerson é Embarcadero MVP no Brasil, nomeado MVP do Ano de 2019, coordenador do Programa Acadêmico da Embarcadero no Brasil.
Landerson is Embarcadero MVP in Brazil, named 2019 MVP of the Year, coordinator of Embarcadero's Academic Program in Brazil.

Germán Estévez -Naftalí-
I like the programming, and although I have programmed in different languages, until now the one that has captivated me has been Delphi. I have been using Delphi (since version 3) for more than 20 years. You can often find me on the forums of ClubDelphi, the best and most active community of Spanish-speaking programmers.

Serge Pilko
Delphi developer from 1999. Embarcadero MVP, Delphi evangelist and influencer. Author and presenter of webinars on Delphi, FireMonkey and RAD Studio ecosystem. Responsible for GetIt Package Manager content at Embarcadero. Founder and CEO of Softacom Ltd. – outsourcing software development company. TMS Software consultancy partner. Helps students and young people to select Delphi for their future career.

Sunil Kumar Arora, the digitiger
Sunil is one who continue to attempt to travel the road less traveled and step out of comfort zones, time and again. Passionate to learn pure and rational sciences, his real professional journey has its roots in Software development and managing and nurturing Relations of all sorts most importantly Customer Relations Management. He is an analytical, insightful, & highly disciplined problem solver with a demonstrated ability to identify & secure project resources & provide the quality leadership that invokes committed professional participation from all involved. Maintaining meticulous attention to detail, inspiring team accomplishment, & delivering quality, on-time project execution are areas in which I excel.

Jim McKeeth, Champion Coordinator
Jim McKeeth is the Chief Developer Advocate for Embarcadero Technologies, and the Champion Coordinator for LearnDelphi.org. At Embarcadero he also coordinates the Embarcadero MVP program and Technology Partners. A Longtime developer, trainer, author, blogger, and fan of the Delphi programming language. Started the Podcast at Delphi.org. Experienced in Object Pascal, Java, C#, JavaScript, Objective-C, Ruby, and other languages, but still prefers Delphi. Invented and patented swipe to unlock in 2000 (US Patent # 8352745 & 6766456, etc.) On the weekend Jim is an improvisational ComedySportz performer with CSz Boise.