Logging is a very crucial process in programming, especially in developing an application. Generally, log files provide visibility into how the applications are running on each of the various infrastructure components. In this video, Bob Swart also known as Dr. Bob will introduce us to the CodeSite Logging System and how this could be one of those windows app development tools that you must have.
What is the CodeSite Logging System?
The CodeSite Logging System is developed by Raize Software. It gives developers deeper insight into how their code is executing. This enables them to locate problems more quickly and monitor how well their code is performing.
What are the CodeSite Logging System’s main features?
In this talk, Bob Stewart will not just introduce us to CodeSite’s main features but will also demonstrate them individually. Using CodeSite Logging System, developers instrument their code using CodeSite loggers that send CodeSite messages to a live display or log file during program execution. Interestingly, CodeSite is not only effective during development and testing but also during production, providing valuable information to support staff and developers. CodeSite is also available in two editions; the CodeSite Express which is free and can be installed using the GetIt Package Manager and the CodeSite Studio which can be bought from the Raize software webpage.
CodeSite offers Live Logging and File Logging. It can also be used for Local Logging and Remote logging using the CodeSite Studio edition. Codesite also includes a set of handy tools for the analysis of CodeSite logfiles. The video will highlight some of the useful tools and features of CodeSite. This includes the Code Dispatcher which is designed to minimize the performance impact the logging process has on an application. It also simplifies the transporting of Code Site messages to remote computers. Remote Logging is also another impressive feature of CodeSite that is available only in its commercial edition (CodeSite Studio).
The video will also demonstrate other noteworthy features including the CodeSite Scratchpad, different Message types, CodeSite Destinations, Multiple CodeSite Loggers and how to enable and disable them in Delphi, and many others. To know more about CodeSite Logging System, feel free to watch the webinar below.
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