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Impressionante jogo processual e motor 3D construído em Delphi é uma obra de arte

O desenvolvedor Zudomon (Nick Pützer) está construindo um jogo processual impressionante chamado StoneQuest e um motor 3D em Delphi. Ele dedicou mais de 12.000 horas desde 2011 para construir o motor e o jogo. Todo o jogo e conteúdo têm menos de 15 MB! Um dos objetivos do desenvolvedor é construí-lo inteiramente em Delphi. A jogabilidade atual é uma reminiscência do Minecraft. De acordo com o desenvolvedor “I use a lot of procedural content. All the models are created by code only. This mean, later I can do many different models from them! My engine is able to spread microgeometry over the world, real tiny 3d models. Every grass blade and clover plant is real and interact with players. Every cube face of the voxel world has it’s own texture. I only have a few procedural textures yet. They doesn’t repeat. There are dynamic volumetric 3d clouds. And volumetric fog in the valley, where sun rays shine through the trees. For me atmospheric and immersion is a very important thing.” The project is still in active development but you can download and play it in it’s current state. At this point it is a work of art which is beautiful to behold.

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