The book is devoted to the study of programming in the Delphi environment. As training examples, applications were selected that can be used in project-based learning in schools.
The above examples and their step-by-step implementation are very useful for self-study programming on an individual basis. However, group work, when several students are involved in the creation of a mobile application, gives better results. Of course, the leading role will belong to the developer who will directly create the mobile application. But the presence of interested assistants in the preparation of working materials can not only increase the level of responsibility and self-organization of the programmer, but also allow creating not just educational, but really useful mobile applications focused on the end user.
For the development of the developer’s qualifications, it is important not so much to accurately reproduce the proposed examples, but also to further develop the project. Therefore, group idea generation, joint development of improvement options and comprehensive testing at all stages of development will help to develop and consolidate both programming skills and an understanding of the entire software development process.
Development of mobile applications as the basis of project activities focuses on achieving results. The main measure of the success of any project is the degree of its completion. Here, both the individual developer and the group have a clear end goal in front of them – a working application. Of course, this imposes strict conditions on both planning efficiency and implementation quality. But a working application can, at least, become a clear sign of perseverance, knowledge, skills and abilities of a whole team of like-minded people. And as a maximum – a source of pride for the work done.
The main objective of the second edition of this book is to update the presented examples with respect to the current version of Embarcadero RAD Studio / Delphi 10.3.2 Rio compared to the one that was used to prepare the first version. The material of the book has been supplemented with new features and useful tips, as well as recommendations received from the readers of the first version.
(Original content in Russian)
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