Alister Christie is back for another video as part of the recently launched “Welcome to Delphi” series. Delphi is a powerful and versatile programming language that is capable of developing almost any type of application such as databases, multimedia, web applications, and games to name a few. Delphi’s low-code environment and easy-to-use visual design tools made it a top choice not just for windows application development but also for other platforms. In this video, Alister of “Code Faster in Delphi” and Learn Delphi TV will guide us through some interesting and fun Delphi sample applications as well as a collection of websites that can help you learn more about Delphi.
A collection of fun Delphi samples and Delphi-related websites to explore
Delphi and even the C++ Builder have some great sample applications that you can use to learn some more about their various features. These samples will showcase what Delphi is capable of. The first of the highlighted samples in this video is the SplitView Demo. It is basically a simple application that demonstrates the SplitView component, a panel on the far-left side of the application that can hide and consider to compact. This sample application also demonstrates VCL Theming features.
Alister will also highlight a couple of fun game applications that are built in Delphi. This includes the so-called Conway’s Game of Life (a Minesweeper-Inspired game) and Space Rocks (an Asteroids-inspired gaming app). Another highlighted application is the Sound Manager, a cross-platform audio manager that allows you to play sounds on different platforms. Alister also emphasized the use of the F1 key to view all the library references for each sample application.
In addition to this, the video will also share a collection of some Delphi learning resources including some useful and educational websites like Stack Overflow, Embarcadero Doc Wiki for Delphi, Alister Christie’s Learn Delphi TV, Embarcadero Academy, and of course, LearnDelphi.Org.
In connection with this, LearnDelphi.Org will be having a Coding Boot Camp that will run from August 22 to 26, 2022. The boot camp offers a comprehensive and interactive curriculum that will teach you the fundamentals of programming using Delphi and integrations with popular technologies such as Python and Arduino. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn about more specialized topics, such as game development, web programming, and mobile app development. Check more details HERE and Register.
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