
Delphi, Showcase
Powerful Visual Optimizer For Investment Portfolios Built In Delphi

OptiFolio is an advanced interactive portfolio optimization software built in Delphi. According to the developer “OptiFolio can produce an interactive visualization of all possible investment strategies for any given set of financial assets. Delphi’s compiled code extreme execution speed makes it possible to examine millions of strategies per second. This global perspective of feasible portfolios helps investors around the world…

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Delphi, Showcase
Powerful Multi-sensor Imaging Tool For Processing And Analyzing Hyperspectral Images Built In Delphi

ImageLab is a native Windows-based multi-sensor imaging tool for processing and analyzing hyperspectral images built in Delphi. It targets research in science and technology where spectrally resolved images are utilized. According to the developer “ImageLab provides multi-sensor support for hyperspectral imaging. This enables researchers to extract information from spectrally resolved images which cannot be obtained otherwise. ImageLab supports a long…

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Delphi, Showcase
Powerful Cross Platform Multitrack Music Recording Software Built In Delphi FireMonkey

MultitrackStudio from Bremmers Audio Design is a multitrack music recording software which supports recording, editing and mixing audio and MIDI tracks. With the growth of Mac worldwide, MultitrackStudio developers felt the urgency of making their application available on macOS. They had previously used Delphi with VCL (Visual Component Library) a visual component based object oriented framework for developing Microsoft Windows…

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