Tag: videos

Introduction to the Delphi Language - Object Pascal

Basic introduction to the Delphi language.Learn historical concepts, language structures, good coding practices and everything else to take the first steps in the Delphi language with the renowned RAD Studio IDE through its free version: Delphi Community Edition. Instructor: Fernando Rizatto. Fernando is a Consultant for Embarcadero for Latin America. Access the content now. (Original content in Portuguese)

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Classes, Videos
CodeRage XII 2017 - Replay

November 2017 – 3 days, 58 speakers, 76 sessions [Enroll for Free] Sessions Building mobile apps that connects to Salesforce and SAP/R3 (with Fernando Rizzato) Create a Business Intelligence (BI) Web Site RAD Style with FireDAC, IntraWeb and UniGUI (with Miguel Angel Moreno) Create SCADA Modbus Industrial Control applications, and Devices with ControlLab, and Visuino Pro (with Boian Mitov) Creating…

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CodeRage 2018 Replay

CodeRage is Embarcadero Technologies’ annual virtual developer conference. Sessions focus on inspiring our developers with new and emerging technologies, best practices, creating better development teams, app design, using code to solve community and market needs, and more. [Enroll for Free] Over 20 Courses on covering all things Delphi. (There are other courses covering C++Builder, InterBase, and other related topics).

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