Tag: delphi

How To Create A Simple Database C++ App

We’ve already come across several videos and webinars that highlight the quick and easy process of creating database applications in Delphi. There is also a great number of windows app development tools and libraries that you can effectively use to create a database C++ app. Interestingly, despite the apparent simplicity of the program source code, Delphi is a modern, extremely…

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What You Should Know About This Epic Telegram Sticker Browser

Skia4Delphi is one of the most useful open-source 2D graphics libraries and windows app development tools that can supercharge your FireMonkey and VCL apps’ user interface. One of the notable advantages of using this library is that it gives you the ability to combine or merge different animations with transparency that certainly adds that “wow factor” to your apps. In…

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Easy Native Windows Development Using Traditional Bindings

Following the video where Jim McKeeth demonstrated how to create a simple Database Application using FireDAC and Interbase in C++ Builder is a follow-up demo. This time, he will show us how to create a VCL application using the traditional bindings and data-aware components. Visual Component Library or simply VCL has always been part of native windows development specifically for…

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How To Get Cross Platform Apps To Connect To A MySQL Database

Whether you are working with small or large-scale databases, MySQL is probably one of the most popular database systems today. The webinar video below will take us back to CodeRage 2018 where Yilmaz Yoru will discuss the process of creating a MySQL Database and connecting the database using the MyDAC components through C++ Builder. MySQL is undeniably one of the…

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