

The book is devoted to the study of programming in the Delphi environment. As training examples, applications were selected that can be used in project-based learning in schools. [Download] The above examples and their step-by-step implementation are very useful for self-study programming on an individual basis. However, group work, when several students are involved in the creation of a mobile…

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Delphi in Depth: FireDAC by Cary Jensen

Cary Jensen, best-selling, award-winning author of over twenty-five software books, just published a book on Delphi FireDAC. Accompanying source code is available online. Learn how to connect to a wide variety of databases Optimize your connection configurations Explore the world of indexes, searches, and filters Discover the power of persisted datasets Create flexible queries using macros and FireDAC scalar functions…

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Delphi Programming for Schools

25 modules with exercises for beginners. Textbook created as part of the Embarcadero academic program [Download] Kalmykov Yu.V., a specialist in the field of programming, author of scientific articles and textbooks, including “Teaching manual for teaching programming in Delphi for schools.” The presented manual is the result of 25 years of pedagogical experience as a teacher of the Department of…

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Delphi Programming for Beginners

25 Modules with exercises, for absolute beginners. Textbook created as part of Embarcadero’s academic program. The book was originally published in Russian and translated into English and several other languages. The author Yuriy Kalmykov is a well-known expert in software development and author of many programming publications and textbooks, including “Teaching Delphi Programming in Schools”. This book is the result…

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Delphi Language Guide

The Delphi Language Guide describes the Delphi language as it is used in RAD Studio development tools. This book principally describes the Delphi language on the Win32 development platform, with annotations about other supported platforms, such as Win64 and mobile. Based on content in the DocWiki, this is provided by Embarcadero Technologies and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0…

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