新しい TCoffee and Code セッションでは、Ian Barkerがホストとなり、エンバカデロMVPのHolger Flick、Wagner Landgrafに加え、Jim McKeethが参加し、RESTサーバーの扱い方から多層アプリケーションの管理やAPI設計まで、多くの話題について語り合いました。 Ian Barker に加え、エンバカデロMVPの Holger Flick、Gerhard Stoltz、Wagner Landgrafが、RESTサーバー、マルチスレッドアプリケーション、ロードバランサー、リバースプロキシ、さらには拡張現実について理解するためにサポートします。
The discussion will highlight a wide range of important topics and the panel will introduce us first to the things we need to know about REST Servers. Generally, REST or Representational State Transfer is a software architectural style that is created to provide guides or standards for web design and Windowsアプリケーション開発. Those web APIs that comply with REST constraints are informally known as RESTful systems. A RESTful web service is implemented using HTTP and the principles of REST. The panel will also discuss the use of Delphi’s DataSnap Technology that provides the ability to create Client-Server applications that communicate through the Internet, the local network, or the localhost. Both Delphi and C++ offer all the basic and advanced capabilities to consume any published Rest services.
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