After introducing us to the Python and Delphi synergy from the last session, we are taking a deeper look at PyScripter, an open-source Python IDE software for Windows. In this video from the recently concluded Coding Boot Camp 2022, Kiriakos Vlahos will walk us through PyScripter where he will demonstrate everything from its core features to some of its newly added functions that Delphi developers can take advantage of. PyScripter is a standalone full-featured Python IDE that was intentionally designed to be lightweight and streamlined compared to other commercial IDEs.
What is PyScripter and its core features?
It is interesting to note that the development of PyScripter started more than 15 years ago. It was initially hosted at Google Code where it became massively popular with over millions of downloads. However, it was stalled when Google Code was shut down in 2016. A couple of years later, PyScripter was resumed at Github and was eventually sponsored by Embarcadero. Since PyScripter is a lightweight Python Integrated Development environment, it makes a good starting point for people who wants to learn the program. PyScripter, however, has evolved into a full-featured IDE that is sufficient enough to attract even professional developers.
In this video, we will learn more about PyScripter’s core features and how this IDE allows programmers to become more productive while programming in Python. Some of its notable features include the modern and customizable interface, advanced editor with syntax highlighting and code folding functions, integrated Python interpreter, code intelligence, integrated Python debugging, and project management function to name a few.
We will also get to know some of PyScripter’s advanced features and functionalities. It also highlights the powerful integrated Python Debugger tool which includes a remote debugging feature. Kiriakos will walk us through the interface and provide us with comprehensive samples and demos showcasing some of its impressive features and tools. To learn more, feel free to watch this video below.
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