最近開催された Coding Boot Camp 2022では、データベースについて、そして関連する概念やSQLなどについて学んだのち、より高度な内容に進みました。このセッションでは、データアクセスとデータ対応アプリケーションについて学びます。加えて、ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) と FireDAC の基本的な概要も説明し、これらのフレームワークが Windowsアプリケーション開発 のみならず、他のプラットフォームにおいても、どのようにそれらが使用されるのかを学びます。また、基本的な ADO のサンプルを通して、それらがどのように機能するかを示します。
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) と FireDAC について知っておくべきこと
Just like any presentations from the Coding Boot Camp 2022, this video is also based on Kevin Bond’s “How to Program Effectively in Delphi for AS/A Level Computer Science” book. Database applications form an integral part of today’s information and communication technology domain. We cannot think of working with data or with an application where data is not required. Generally, database applications let users interact with information that is stored in databases (that database may either be stored locally, on a server or somewhere within a cloud).
Interestingly, Delphi is an ideal technology and programming development environment that allow us to connect to any type of database. Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects or simply ADO provides programmers with a full logical model for programmatically accessing, editing, and updating data from a wide variety of data sources through OLE DB system interfaces. The most common usage of ADO is to query a table or tables in a relational database, retrieve and display the results in an application, and perhaps, let users make and save changes to the data.
FireDAC, on the other hand, is RAD studio’s newest data access framework and has quickly become the top data access framework of choice. FireDAC is a universal data access library for developing applications for multiple devices connected to the enterprise database. The framework is the new, high-performance, cross-platform, multi-database component framework that is included in the box. It allows us to create applications fast that connects to any type of database. When working with Delphi’s FireMonkey, the typical data-aware components are not available and live bindings are used to provide interactions with the data in the underlying data set.
Bertie Buitendag will provide comprehensive demos and samples showcasing how ADO works. To learn more, feel free to watch the video below.
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