In this latest TCoffee and Code session, Jim Mckeeth was joined by his fellow Embarcadero MVPs Ian Barker, Holger Flick, and Bruno Fierens to discuss another interesting topic about native windows development. This time, the panel discussed everything about web interfaces and how and what development tools you can use to natively run applications using web browsers with Delphi as the programming language – no JavaScript knowledge required.
Learn how to create fully interactive web Applications using Delphi and TMS WEB core
The panel tackle how it is possible to run applications natively using the web browser and how the method differs from native applications. The discussion also highlights the use of TMS WEB Core and where it differs from other web frameworks. Generally, TMS Web core is a web development tool that allows you to create web client applications from Delphi using RAD development methodology and a component-based framework. It will also highlight the pros and cons of using TMS WEB Core in creating web applications. They will also discuss the importance of using backend databases using frameworks like TMS XData, RAD Server, and more.
What do you need to know about Electron and Miletus Frameworks?
In connection with TMS WEB Core, the panel will also highlight the use of some of the popular frameworks among web developers. These include Electron and Miletus. Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Miletus, on the other hand, is also a framework that enables TMS WEB Applications to run as desktop applications and provides access to native features. The panel will provide a side-by-side comparison between the two.
To learn more about Web interfaces and how to create applications with Delphi and TMS WEB Core, feel free to watch this two-hour-long TCoffee and Code session below.
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