Imagine creating applications for a computer that is easily customizable, very affordable, and only the size of a deck of cards? Well, that’s the purpose of the Raspberry Pi! With the power of TMS WEB Core and TMS Miletus, you can create applications for this platform using Delphi 11. This session from the recent DelphiCon will show us a practical use case of how you can build applications for Raspberry Pi and access external devices to measure temperature and humidity. The session will also show us why TMS Web Core and TMS Miletus are considered to be some of the most important Windows tools for developers, especially for the app’s cross-platform functionality.
Why You Should Develop Applications for Raspberry Pi Using Delphi
Generally, you can now develop applications for the Raspberry Pi with a tiny little computer that is very much affordable with Delphi 11 without the need for additional hardware. Interestingly, you can do it from your Windows PC even if you do not have a Raspberry Pi by yourself. You will be able to generate the binary that can be executed on the Raspberry Pi. Holger Flick will also highlight all the notable strengths of Delphi and why is it ideal for this kind of project. Overall, Delphi is an object-oriented programming language known for making the development of database-driven Windows desktop applications easy because of its rapid application development approach
It also features a huge third-party marker for additional visual and non-visual components like the TMS Software. Today, developing for only one platform is no longer sufficient. Aside from Windows, you also need to supply macOS solutions, Linux, and sometimes for the Raspberry Pi too. Good thing, with Delphi you can supply solutions to all these aforementioned platforms.
Everything You Need to Know About TMS Web Core and TMS Miletus
One of the notable development challenges is to provide a product that is compatible with multiple platforms. One of the solutions here is to use FireMonkey instead of VCL. TMS Software has framework-neutral controls which makes this much easier. Holger will share with us everything we need to know about TMS Web Core and TMS Miletus. The session also comes with a demonstration of the so-called BME 280 Module. The application measures temperature, humidity, and air pressure using sensors attached to the Raspberry Pi. It is designed to send its data to a web service that can be accessed from any device all over the world.
Check the video below to learn more about TMS Software in Delphi
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