Brovin Yaroslav has been working as a developer in the Firemonkey team and has earned a lot of experience not just in Windows application development but also in cross-platform development using low-level API of different operating systems. He knew all the strengths and weaknesses of developing apps in different operating systems and different frameworks. As a result, he made the so-called FGX Native, an alternative way to develop a cross-platform native mobile application in your favorite Delphi language for both iOS and Android. Additionally, this framework will make the applications faster and more responsive.
What is FGX Native?
Generally, FGX Native is s framework that is interestingly developed from scratch and is completely independent of both VCL and Firemoneky. This allows you to create mobile applications using native components provided by the operating system similar to how the VCL works but on a cross-platform basis. One of its key features is the high-speed and smooth separation of applications. It is also 100 % native which means that the finished application is not only delivered as native machine code but also uses components that are native. In addition to that, the framework also offers smooth animations and also acts as a full-fledged independent designer.
FGX Native framework also offers ready-made solutions for mobile applications, barcode scanners, push notifications, and full support of Right-to-Left languages. As an independent designer, it offers a great number of impressive tools for the rapid prototyping of mobile applications. The framework is also using a modern approach and developments that allow you to expand the library in width and in-depth.
In this video, Brovin Yaroslav will demonstrate some of FGX Native’s main features. These include the use of its so-called FlexBox, a layout system that allows you to design and build responsive web pages easier and fast. It comes with an automatioc layout adaptation system to different devices without a single line of code.
Other tools highlighted in this page presentation from the recently concluded Enterprise Code Rage include the TgfCollection View (a powerful fast list component), Assets Manager (centralized resource storage), and many more. To learn more about the FGX Native, feel free to watch the webinar below.
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