Whenever we are talking about innovation and modern technology, we always associate them with robots and high-end machines. Today, these robot machines are no longer part of science-fiction novels. There are many businesses and giant tech companies that are utilizing this technology and use them to boost their productivity, and more. While robots are considered to be autonomous machines that can perform certain tasks based on the inputs taken by sensors, they are merely mechanical pieces until they are properly programmed using a powerful piece of IDE software.
How to Control An Arduino Manipulator with Delphi and Visuino
If you are into robotics, this video from the recently concluded Coding Boot Camp 2022 is the right webinar for you. In this video, Boian Mitov will teach us how to control a Robotic Arm using Arduino Uno, an open-source microcontroller board. Particularly, Boian will demonstrate how to control the visual programs in an Arduino Manipulator robot from the Visuino or from a Delphi application over serial communication, WiFi, or Bluetooth. Visuino is a visual development program specifically designed for Arduino, making it by far the simplest way to program it. However, there are many other equally efficient programs that you can use including Delphi.
When using Delphi, we can control the robot in multiple ways. We can expand the robot using a serial port over USB. Alternatively, we can also expand the robot via Bluetooth. You can do so by installing the Bluetooth module on the connector. If we installed a Wi-Fi shield, we can also use Wi-Fi to communicate with the robot. Interestingly, Boian will also teach and demonstrate how to use an animation timeline to control the robot. The timeline has channels controlling the service and it needs to have the right values to position the servos properly.
To witness how this innovative technology works with Delphi, feel free to watch the video below.
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