There are many great reasons why you should use or develop a web application. For instance, unlike desktop or mobile applications, you can easily access web applications from any device that supports web browsers. Web applications also offer fast deployment. Here, you only have to copy or deploy your application onto a web server and whenever the user wants to use the application, the person only needs to access the web server without going from one computer to another. This also leads to a lower deployment cost because unlike the standard process for Windows application development, you only have to develop the app from one platform.
Introducing TMS Webcore
In this video from the recently concluded Coding Boot Camp 2022, presenter Holger Flick will introduce us to the TMS Webcore by TMS Software. TMS Web core is a web development tool that allows you to create web client applications from Delphi using RAD development methodology and a component-based framework. This video is an introduction to how to create a web application using object pascal and other components according to the rapid application development principle.
Holger will also highlight all the key features of TMS Web Core. One of its key features is that it uses an object-oriented/ RAD component-based approach, making it one of the most effective and powerful solutions for web development in Delphi along with other frameworks like IntraWeb and DelphiMVCFramework. The video will also provide samples and demos to highlight how this particular framework works in Delphi. By the end of this video, you will be able to build a running web application by utilizing the features offered by TMS Webcore.
To learn more about this framework and how to build a web application, feel free to watch the video below.
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