前回のセッションでデバッグプロセスを紹介ましたが、今回、Jim Mckeeth は、データベース対応アプリケーションを作成するために必要となる、データベース設計のさまざまな概念について説明します。このビデオは、最近開催された Coding Boot Camp 2022からの抜粋です。それは、さまざまなプロセス、メソッド、関数などを含むDelphiによるプログラミングの基礎を学ぶことのできるカリキュラムで、 Windowsプログラム開発だけでなく他のプラットフォームと向けに開発にも役立つものです。トピックの大部分は、Dr. Kevin Bond の書籍『How to Program Effectsly in Delphi for AS/A Level Computer Science』に基づいています。
What you should know about databases?
In this session, Jim Mckeeth will help us understand databases and the different concepts of database designs for creating data-aware applications. This topic is considered to be a high-level introduction to some concepts for database development. We already came across various webinars and even the TCoffee and Code sessions that briefly introduced us to databases and data access. A database is essentially an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically. A Database Management System or DMBS, on the other hand, is software that interacts with the database. Jim Mckeeth analogically compared a database to a spreadsheet where each table represents a sheet, and a table is made up of rows and columns.
Aside from the fundamentals of a database, the session will also highlight various database operations including DCL (Data Control Language), DDL (Data Definition Language), DML (Data Manipulation Language), and DQL (Data Query Language). Mckeeth will also introduce us to various concepts of database designs including the idea of Null, relational DBMS, and more. It will also highlight some of the data types of databases including Char, Varchar, float, and integer to name a few.
We will also get a deeper insight into Embarcadero’s Interbase, a relational database management system that is described as an ultrafast, scalable, embeddable SQL database with commercial-grade data security, disaster recovery, and change synchronization. Its small footprint, close to zero administration requirements, and multi-generational architecture are what separates Interbase from other RDBMS. The video will also showcase samples and demonstrations so you can see how this database management system works.
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