One of the hardest challenges when developing cross platform apps is making the navigation and presentation of the app’s screens work consistently. Each platform, whether desktop or mobile, seems to have a different way of making it work. Combine that with the challenges of scaling your wonderful app handiwork so that it looks great on the daunting array of screen sizes and available pixel resolutions, and it can really start to become burdensome.
How does Delphi help with cross-platform app challenges?
Luckily Delphi developers are blessed with a superb assortment of components and solutions to help them stay focused on the actual code features while the low-code component architecture abstracts all the complications sizing and scaling away from them, so they don’t have to trouble themselves with writing reams and reams of scaffolding code. This is the kind of “don’t write more code than you really have to” attitude to software development which attracted me to Delphi in the first place.
What other solutions are available for cross platform application development with Delphi?
But even the best auto-scaling and built-in native components can still benefit from the massive ecosystem of third-party components and code we get to benefit from thanks to Delphi’s longevity.
In this video, Embarcadero Technology partner and MVP Serge Pilko talks to fellow MVP Andrea Magni about Andrea’s hugely popular TFrameStand component which elegantly solves lots of common problems coders can face when trying to implement navigation in their apps. I’m a big fan of Andrea’s and his TFramestand and it’s great to see Serge in discussion with him.
You can also read and see more on TFrameStand on the Embarcadero blog.
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