JSON plays a huge role in windows application development, especially when transmitting data in web applications. The JSON format is used for serializing and transmitting structured data over a network connection. Nowadays, most developers are greatly in favor of JSON because it’s extremely lightweight and it is easier to read compared to something like XML. Despite the popularity, it is very interesting to note that some developers still don’t know all the ways to deal with JSON in Delphi. In this video, Dion Carlos Mai and Gustavo Mena Barreto of AquaSoft will give us an overview of different ways to deal with JSON in Delphi.
What are the best ways to deal with JSON in Delphi?
This video from the recently concluded DelphiCon 2021 will provide us with an overview of different ways to deal with JSON in Delphi and will also guide us through how to speed up your time developing JSON parsers. Little did we know, there is more than one way to deal with JSON in Delphi and this session will walk us through all the possible options along with various demos to see how these options effectively work in Delphi. One of the highlighted options from this video is the use of the JSONtoDelphi website. This website is designed to help us write the Delphi co-relate class to a specific JSON. It can generate the class to do the parser and in just one click, we can generate all the structures that we need to access all data from the JSON object
What is the Super Object?
Super Object is another option we can use especially if you are using the older versions of Delphi. The RESTResponseDataSetAdapter is a relatively new component in Delphi that can be used effectively to deal with JSON. This component can be used using the REST Debugger tool. Working with JSON using this component is surprisingly easy because you are already working with a dataset. Another option is the use of TJSONMarshal Class. With this class, we can change the default behavior of the serialization algorithm without having to write anything in the RTTI method. It is a good approach for routines that use threads and a customized JSON structure.
The session concludes with a Q&A to address some of the JSON-related queries. To learn more on how to deal with JSON in Delphi, feel free to watch the video below.
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