Étiquette: Skia

Recreating the Star Trek-like Dashboard UI But With AI

A couple of years ago, Ian Barker managed to create a replica of LCARS, the fictional computer operating system featured in the Star Trek franchise. While this replica may not exactly work the way it is depicted in the franchise, Barker managed to replicate its futuristic user interface by utilizing the components offered by the Skia4Delphi library, a simple yet…

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Check Out These Amazing Skia4Delphi Cross Platform Apps

Skia4Delphi is indeed a revolutionary tool that offers tons of possibilities. This third-party library can be used effectively in Delphi to transform the GUI of your VCL apps into something more visually appealing. It comes with many useful components that can be applied beautifully for any Windows application development. Aside from desktop applications, Skia4Delphi can also be used to turbocharge…

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