Rad Studio 11.0 Alexandria was strategically released last September, just a month before the release of Windows 11. It provides a great number of features including the High DPI IDE support, VCL Styles in the Form Designer, and Android API 30 support to name a few. Interestingly, a new update was released a few months ago, providing many notable IDE improvements and other new functionalities that are absolutely beneficial to Windows application development. Coinciding the release of RAD Studio 11.1 is a launch webinar hosted by Jim McKeeth and other Embarcadero MVPs such as Marco Cantu, Kyle Wheeler, David Millington, and Stephen Ball.
What’s new with RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria?
The primary focus of RAD Studio 11.1 is to enhance all the great features that are already present in the RAD Studio 11. The update also provides a focus on usability, performance, and stability improvements. It also includes some new functionalities, including new database drivers. RAD Studio 11.1 features many IDE Improvements including the extensive High DPI IDE quality and the improved use of the IDE with Remote Desktop. The update also provides improvements in toolbar font sizing, better scaling when dragging windows between different resolution monitors, and additional IDE fix pack integration.
It also features improved high DPI designers for both VCL, FireMonkey, and the styled VCL form designer. There are also notable GetIt Library Manager enhancements and other new IDE features such as the Messages View, New Items and Compile Dialog boxes and more. Another significant quality focus area of RAD Studio 11.1 is Code Insight for both languages, Delphi and C++ Builder. There is also a big performance improvement in Delphi LSP Engine.
The new update also provides notable improvements with Delphi and C++ Builder’s Compilers and debuggers. It includes additional support for ASLR and an introduction to new Delphi debugging technology based on LLDB. Delphi RTL also had several optimizations and quality improvements in the new RAD Studio update. Additionally, the RAD Studio 11.1 release offers official support to operating systems released after 11.0 shipped: Windows 11, macOS 12 Monterey, iOS 15, and Android 12.
In case you missed the recently held RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria Launch Webinar, feel free to watch the video below.
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