The Global AI Market is continuously rising and growing in recent years. One of the most advanced AI platforms available today is the OpenAI. Recently, OpenAI released the OpenAI API that can do virtually any task. It is important to note that OpenAI is not the same as the popular ChatGPT. OpenAI is a research and development company while ChatGPT is only one of the tools they released recently. With its rising popularity in both mobile and Windows application development, is OpenAI truly beneficial or a curse?
Everything You Should Know About Delphi and OpenAi Integration
In this video from the recently concluded DelphiCon 2023, Marco Geuze will dive into the OpenAI technology and how to properly integrate it with Delphi using the so-called ToolsAPI. He will help us analyze if this form of integration is a blessing for developers or if is it nothing but a curse. In this video, Marco will walk us through the process of obtaining the OpenAI API key and how to successfully integrate the code I Delphi. He will demonstrate how surprisingly easy it is to create a simple program for Delphi with the help of OpenAI by simply inputting short commands.
The video will also introduce us to the Tools API. Generally, Tools API is a suite of over 100 interfaces that interact with and control the IDE, including the main menu, the toolbars, the main action list, and image list to name a few. It is the way to build additional functionality in Delphi. Marco also provides us with samples and demonstrations to show us the benefits and pitfalls of OpenAI writing Delphi code.
Feel free to watch the video below to learn more. The video also concludes with a Q&A session with Embarcadero Developer Advocate Ian Barker and Marco Geuze.
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