In this video from the recently concluded DelphiCon 2021, Cary Jensen along with his fellow Delphi experts Olaf Monien and Jens Fudge will discuss everything about FireDAC. FireDAC is a powerful Universal Data Access library for windows application development and other devices, connected to enterprise databases. Compared to other database access components, FireDAC is a relatively more easy-to-use access layer that supports, abstracts, and simplifies data access, providing all the features needed to build real-world high-load applications.
What are the advantages of using FireDAC compared to UniDAC?
Compared to the previous DelphiCon 2021 talks, this session was done with a live panel that aimed to answer all queries about FireDAC in real-time. One of the highlights from this session is the notable comparisons between Delphi’s FireDAC and DevArt’s UniDAC. Generally, both aforementioned database framework comes with similar feature sets with minor differences. For instance, both frameworks allow developers to access multiple different database management systems (Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and more) but the third-party product by DevArt (UniDAC) requires users to pay. Nevertheless, both frameworks share the same core features.
What are the most useful FireDAC tools, commands, and components?
The live panel session will also tackle some notable FireDAC tools and components. This includes the benefits of using the so-called FDEventAlerter that offers a unified alerts API to keep all users updated on changes in the database. It will also highlight the benefits of using FD Connections as well as the FD Monitor, a great tool to automatically lock all queries and parameters executed on the database. The panel will also discuss and answer a query about how to execute SQL on a database as well as share their insights about the most effective strategies on how to manage large databases on a single-user desktop database without a server process running on the same machine.
If you want to know more about FireDAC, feel free to watch this video below.
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