コーディング方法の学習は、やりがいがあるものの、時にはイライラする経験です。 マルチプラットフォームアプリ開発 のエキスパートとなる道程は、はるかに長いものになるでしょう。幸いなことに、エキスパート開発者が集うコミュニティでは、多くの場合、円滑にトップへの道へと歩を進めるのに役立つ、さまざまなヒントやTIPSを多くの人と共有しています。
One of those mentors is TMS Software Tech Evangelist and Embarcadero MVP Holger Flick. Holger is a treasure trove of good development knowledge and he’s already written several popular books covering topics such as cross platform database applications, mapping, and a full course on web development using RAD Studio with Delphi and the TMSWEBコア component framework.

What’s new in the world of cross-platform development?
Holger has always made very compelling YouTube and webinar presentations but now he’s going one step further and will be broadcasting live streams on his YouTube channel. Viewers will get the chance to interact with Holger as he codes, and you can also ask questions while he’s live too.
How do I subscribe to the MVP Live Stream?

UserStack( Holger’s YouTube channel and hit the subscribe button – it couldn’t be easier.
What is the MVP Live Stream like?
For an idea of what to expect here’s a recent video from the live stream.
Design. Code. Compile. Deploy.
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