
RAD Studio 11.3 がリリースされました。11.3には、新たに追加された機能や、改善された機能が数多く含まれています。もはや、Delphi でできないことは何もないように思えます。最新のWindowsの機能をネイティブに利用できる Windowsアプリケーション開発 でも、 単一コードベース からすべてのモバイルデバイス向けアプリを構築できるクロスプラットフォーム開発でも、Delphi なら数多くのコンポーネントが利用でき、プロジェクトを正常かつシームレスに機能させることができます。長年 Delphi を使用していると、コーディングをより迅速かつ効率的に行うためのいくつかの簡単なトリックに出くわしたことがあるでしょう。最近開催された DelphiCon 2023では、Embarcadero MVP の Ian Barker が、書籍内の既知のアプリ トリックを 数多く共有しています。

Every Delphi app trick you should be aware of

このビデオでは、 Ian Barker will share a hefty amount of tricks that every Delphi user should be doing. Some of which are surprisingly new and absolutely noteworthy. Barker provides notable tips and tricks that you can apply when working with Alerts and Notifications, working with buttons and many other settings that you will most likely want to apply to your own apps.

The main highlight of this video, however, is one of the newly added features of RAD Studio 11.3 – The mobile Biometric Authentication component that makes it super-easy to add biometric fingerprint or face recognition to your apps. The TBiometricAuth component makes the implementation of biometric authentication of app users on Android and iOS really easy. You can find TBiometricAuth in the ‘Additional’ section of the component palette. It has two main methods. The authentication method starts the process and makes the device show the biometric authentication prompt while Cancel allows you to clear the biometric authentication prompt. It’s literally a single line of code to make the authentication work.

It also has two events. One event is the AuthenticateFail which is triggered when the authentication failed, which can happen for numerous reasons. Another event is the AuthenticateSuccess which indicates that the authentication worked and the person using the device is an authorized user.

What other Delphi app tricks and techniques are there?

Aside from the new Biometric Authentication feature of RAD Studio 11.3, Barker also highlights some third-party components including TWebUpdate (TMS Software) to check for updates, Python4Delphi for adding a GUI to your Python apps, TMS Scripter and DWScript for adding user scripting and macro capabilities into your apps, Skia4Delphi for image manipulation, NGINX and LetsEncrypt for SSL Certificates and reverse proxy (EASY auto conversion of HTTP to HTTPS and back again) of web apps such as those written in older versions of Intraweb, and many others. If you want to know more, feel free to watch this webinar below.  

At the end of the video, Barker will be joined by Jim McKeeth to answer questions thrown by the viewers.

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