Dion Carlos Mai of AquaSoft is back for another special talk about Delphi. After walking us through the process of dealing with JSON in Delphi from the recently concluded DelphiCon 2021, he will now guide us to build a web crawler using both Delphi and Python programming languages. Web crawling plays an integral part in windows app development, especially for applications that require real-time data. In this talk, we will learn how to get data from websites with Delphi integrated with Python, in one single application.
How can I use Python in Delphi?
Delphi and Python are both powerful programming languages. Each comes with its own unique feature. Just like what we have learned from the recent DelphiCon talk by David Millington, some languages are ideal for connecting user interfaces while other languages are being efficient for performance. Interestingly, developers can always embrace both worlds by combining two different languages in one application. In this video, Dion Carlos Mai will show us how to use Python in Delphi using the Python4Delphi component.
Python4Delphi is the library that provides the integration between Python and Delphi. Along with the hands-on application, we will learn how to build a web crawling application using the aforementioned languages. The talk will also highlight the advantage of using a web crawler app. This method will not just allow you to get data from a website but also allows you to compare different data providers and also to validate your own published data.
What are the pros and cons of this model?
Dion will also list down all the pros and cons of using this model including how simple this model is compared to other complex solutions. The session will also conclude with a Q&A portion related to Python and Delphi. If you want to know more about how to build a web crawler using both Delphi and Python, feel free to watch the video below.
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