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Everything You Need To Know About The Skia Shader Language

This video will introduce us to the Shading language and what exactly it does to elevate your windows application development. Generally, a shading language is a graphics programming language adapted to programming shader effects. This program called Shaders simply tells the computer how to render each pixel to produce photorealistic or stylized surfaces to an object or image. These shaders…

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How To Create A Simple Database C++ App

We’ve already come across several videos and webinars that highlight the quick and easy process of creating database applications in Delphi. There is also a great number of windows app development tools and libraries that you can effectively use to create a database C++ app. Interestingly, despite the apparent simplicity of the program source code, Delphi is a modern, extremely…

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Easy Native Windows Development Using Traditional Bindings

Following the video where Jim McKeeth demonstrated how to create a simple Database Application using FireDAC and Interbase in C++ Builder is a follow-up demo. This time, he will show us how to create a VCL application using the traditional bindings and data-aware components. Visual Component Library or simply VCL has always been part of native windows development specifically for…

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