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Actualités, vidéos
Why Is It Important to Share Your Knowledge in Delphi?

Sharing knowledge is a fundamental aspect of human interaction that contributes to individual and collective progress. It enriches relationships, fosters learning, and plays a crucial role in the advancement of societies and organizations. This can be applied to different fields and software development is not an exemption at all. Whether you are working on a Windows application development or building…

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Everything You Should Know About DelphiFMX for Python

DelphiFMX for Python is generally an integration between two powerful programming languages that allows developers to use the Delphi FireMonkey framework for building cross-platform applications with Python. This leverages the FireMonkey framework that enables cross-platform development. With a single codebase, DelphiFMX for Python is not just Windows application development, but it also targets multiple platforms including macOS, Linux, and Android….

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Learn How to Deploy Your Python Application and Which Architecture Suits You Best

When developing an application, deployment is a critically important process. Whether you are dealing with a Windows Application development, mobile apps, or a web application, this process ensures that the application is available and accessible to users. In this video from the recently concluded PyGAC 2023, Dion Mai of Aquasoft and an Embarcadero MVP will walk us through the process…

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