In this video, we will learn not just one but THREE powerful solutions for web development in Delphi. The webinar will highlight three popular frameworks that represent three different ways of coming at developing for the web. These include TMS Webcore, IntraWeb, et DelphiMVCFramework. While Delphi already comes with powerful tools for web development, these popular frameworks can help you build more compelling web applications that deliver both the functionality and performance that once required native windows development. Joining this webinar are Dr. Holger Flick of TMS Software, Jackson Gomes of Atozed Software (IntraWeb), and Daniele Teti of bit Time Professionals (DelphiMVCFramework) to explain their respective products.
TMS WEB Core is a cross platform solution for web development using Delphi
TMS WEB Core is a web development tool that allows you to create web client applications from Delphi using RAD development methodology and a component-based framework. In this video, Dr Holger Flick will introduce us to the framework and how to employ Delphi in web applications. He will also highlight some of the powerful and easy-to-use features of TMS Web core that allow you to build web applications surprisingly easy and fast.
IntraWeb allows programmers to produce web apps using Delphi
Jackson Gomes will discuss the advantages of using IntraWeb in Delphi. He described IntraWeb as the VCL equivalent for the web. It is an equally powerful framework for building web apps in Delphi with the goal to close the gap between Delphi developers and web development. The video will also demonstrate some of IntraWeb’s new features including HTTP.sys, IWreCaptcha Component, Intraweb Certicifate managers, and as well as the things we can expect from their upcoming IntraWeb 17 edition.
Do you know how the DelphiMVCFramework can help your web app development?
The DelphiMVC Framework is mainly designed to be a powerful and easy-to-use Open-source framework for web solutions. According to Daniele Teti, the framework is currently the most popular Delphi library on GitHub today. Interestingly, this framework supports RESTful and JSON-RPC APIs development. In this video, Daniele will briefly show how to create some kind of APIs in Delphi using DMVCFramework.
While these frameworks are all designed for web development, each of them is distinct in its own way and you just have to find the right framework that provides the web development solution that you need. To learn more about these powerful web frameworks, feel free to watch the webinar below.
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