Tag: programming

What You Need to Know about Messaging Patterns and NX Horizon in Delphi

The purpose of any kind of messaging pattern in an application is to provide a communication channel between different parts of the code. In object-oriented programming, for instance, this translates to communication between object instances. These patterns are applicable to both mobile and Windows application development. Besides the simplest, One-on-one communication, there are two distinct patterns for communication between object…

Everything You Need to Know About The Actions Component in Delphi and Why You Should Use It More Often

Delphi has introduced a great number of features over the years. Every time a new version of RAD Studio arrives, a new set of features and functionalities will also be introduced. However, with an overwhelming number of features available, some components are either forgotten, misused or failed to showcase their full potential. The Actions, for instance, have been in Delphi…

Everything You Need to Know About the FGX Native Framework

Brovin Yaroslav has been working as a developer in the Firemonkey team and has earned a lot of experience not just in Windows application development but also in cross-platform development using low-level API of different operating systems. He knew all the strengths and weaknesses of developing apps in different operating systems and different frameworks. As a result, he made the…

Check Out These Common Mistakes In Coding And Their Solutions

Delphi celebrated its 28th anniversary with the much-awaited DelphiCon 2023. In this video, Carlos Agnes will share his personal experiences from being a Delphi consultant for more than ten years. Entitled “You’re Doing it Wrong“, this presentation will highlight some of the common mistakes that most developers do when coding. Whether it is part of a Windows program development or…

Everything You Should Know About Apple ARM On Desktop

Most of the desktop and laptop computers sold today are solely based on the x86 CPU architecture family. Both Intel and AMD dominated the market for years, making them a crucial part of Windows application development. Smartphones and other portable devices, on the other hand, are dominated by ARM. However, recent developments are now introducing ARM onto the desktop. In…

Delphi, Videos
Learn How To Code With This MVP Live Stream

Learning how to code is a rewarding but sometimes frustrating experience. The path to becoming an expert developer where you gain confidence in your ability to carry out multiple platform app development can be a long one. Luckily our wonderful community of expert developers are often willing to show others their favorite tips and tricks to help smooth your way…

How to Effectively Add a WOW Factor to Your Apps?

When building an application whether using Delphi or any other language, the first thing to consider is how to make the app work and make sure that it serves its function. However, if you really want to develop a great app, simply serving its purpose is not just enough. Whether it is a Windows application development or a mobile app,…
