O IDE Nativo de PHP para Windows mundialmente famoso é construído em Delphi

NuSphere PhpED is a powerful native Windows IDE for PHP and it is built in Delphi. According to the developer’s site it handles PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML, and more. Additionally, they state that it has a balanced combination of advanced code editor, reliable dbg debugger, productive database connectivity client and fast and secure deployment abilities make PhpED a complete solution for most sophisticated developer needs. PhpED really looks like a powerful step up from a text editor for writing PHP code as of all of the features it provides like built in debugging, profiling, and unit tests. It also has powerful integrations with Firefox, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge. The numbers of features in PhpED are mind blowing and really take PHP development to the next level. PHP runs a huge percentage of the web and it’s nice to see powerful tools software development tools like this are built in Delphi.