Tag: python

What You Need To Know About Tkinter And DelphiFMX Python GUI – Which One Is Better?

Embarcadero Technologies recently launched a new video series on their YouTube Channel entitled “Embarcadero Open-Source Project Stream” which aims to highlight some of the open-source projects that are sponsored by Embarcadero.  Each week will focus on a certain project and will be attended by a group of panelists from Embarcadero. For this video, we will get a side-by-side comparison between…

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How To Make Superb Python GUI apps using DelphiVCL

Python and Delphi are both powerful programming languages. Delphi, for instance, provides easy-to-use features compared to other languages which make it ideal for most windows application development. Not just it provides clear syntax, but it also offers an easy drag-and-drop system that enables users to build GUI software relatively much faster. Python, on the other hand, is another powerful and…

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