Ícone do site Aprenda Delphi

Software poderoso de curadoria de coleção de videogame é construído em Delphi

Game Collector is a powerful video game game collection database software and it is built in Delphi. According to the developer’s website Game Collector’s main screen is highly customizable, so that you can make it look the way you want. You can choose between multiple layouts for the main screen folder, list and details panels; list, images or card view for your game lists; different templates for the game details panel; and light, dark and system skins are available for all screens. You can easily add games to your database, by title or by barcode plus their core online game database will automatically provide full game details like title, platform, description; more information like genre, developer, publisher, release date, etc.; and cover art, back drop art and trailer videos. This is an impressive software that highlights the power and versatility of Delphi.

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