When you develop Windows software, the user’s first experience with your product should be a stable and reliable installer. It’s an important component of successful software. Interestingly, there are a great number of Windows installers available in the market today. These 3rd party programs will vary in terms of their prices where most of which are offered free as well as the type of technology they are built from. NSIS and Inno Setup are two of the most widely used installers today but is it possible to create such a Windows setup in the new Delphi 11? In this video from the recently concluded DelphiCon 2021, we will learn more about RAD & Installer and how it is considered one of the most important windows tools for developers.
What is RAD & Installer?
The RAD & Installer is a third-party expert for Embarcadero’s RAD Studio. It is a RAD studio extension that brings both aforementioned install systems (NSIS and Inno Setup) to Delphi. In this video, Tomas Slapka of UnSigned Software will share with us all the details we need to know about their RAD & Installer tool for Delphi including all its core features. One of which includes the highly customizable Syntax Highlighting feature. Other noteworthy features include the Go-to and Go-to file function, Live Templates, Messages window, Navigation bars, Dynamic Help, and Project Properties that work similarly to Project Options that offers a place where you can adjust how the script compilation behaves.
How can I create an Inno Setup Project from scratch?
Aside from providing all the important details about RAD & Installer, Tomas Slapka will also provide short presentations on how to create Inno Setup project in Delphi 11 (RAD Studio 11 Alexandria) from scratch. Interestingly, the tutorial will only take less than 10 minutes and his presentation will show you how surprisingly easy to create such a project in the new Delphi. In addition to that, he will also share how to integrate some advanced IDE features into the project.
To learn more about the RAD & Installer tool for Delphi, feel free to watch the video below.
You can download a free trial of RAD Studio Delphi today!
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