アプライアンスコメント Learn Delphi



ソフトウェア開発は 難しい! Well, I should really say that good development, getting things to work properly, efficiently and reliably, is hard. Even the best developers make mistakes and introduce bugs or unexpected behavior. It doesn’t matter if you’re carrying out that software Windowsアプリケーション開発 に強力な IDEソフトウェア which catches a lot of the mistakes before they reach your users – you can still get problems which seep through, potentially disastrously.

Test-driven development is a technique which tries to stop that particular problem in its tracks by employing methods where the tests of the code’s desired behavior and functionality are written first and then the code created to make those tests pass. Developers who use test driven development say they find it leads to much improved quality of the code’s final product.

このビデオでは、エンバカデロ・テクノロジーパートナーでありMVPのSerge Pilkoが、テスト駆動開発の長所と短所についてMVPのJensFudgeと語ります。
