アプライアンスコメント Learn Delphi

SnackBarクロスプラットフォーム アプリデモ

Snackbar cross-platform demo.

SnackBarデモは、、画面の下部からスクロールインするメッセージ通知を開くFloatAnimation を起動するボタンを備えた クロスプラットフォームアプリケーション です。単一コード ベースと単一UIで、Android、iOS、macOS、Windows、Linux 向けにDelphiによって構築されています。

With the SnackBar demo, you’ll be able to quickly and easily create engaging, persuasive, and creative marketing materials that will grab attention and drive results. From simple one-off notifications to complex multi-step campaigns, SnackBar has you covered. And because it’s built on the cross-platform Delphi framework, you can be sure that your campaigns will look great and work flawlessly on any device.




A snackbar is a small, temporary message that appears at the bottom of the screen. It’s used to give feedback about an operation or to display a simple message. Snackbars can contain an action. Snackbars provide brief messages about app processes, such as “saved” or “contact added.” They appear at the bottom of the screen and only stay visible for a short time before disappearing. If you need to provide more information than what a snackbar can hold, use a toast instead. Snackbars can be swiped away. Snackbars appear above the bottom navigation and take over the drawer’s space while they are visible. They’re light-weight and unobtrusive. Snackbars automatically disappear after a timeout unless they have an action associated with them. When using an action, make sure that it doesn’t require input from the user because snackbars are transient and users might not see the snackbar before it disappears. Consider using a persistent bottom sheet if you need more control over when and how your users interact with your content.




今すぐ Coding Boot Camp 2022に登録してください。ゲーム、JavaScript、Web、Python、SQL、データベース、iOS、MacOS、Android、モバイル、Linux、Windows、デスクトップ、サーバー、Arduinoなど、プログラミングに関するさまざまなトピックを学ぶことができます。
