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Pour moderniser votre application, vous devez faire ces choses

Modernizing your app is vital if you want to remain competitive in today’s very crowded market. The process of modernization is actually pretty straight-forward but there are some easy pitfalls – things you might miss – and they can make the difference between time well spent or time wasted.

RAD Studio est également une application Windows moderne !

RAD Studio itself is obviously an application and like any other it has to constantly evolve to ensure it keeps up with design and usability trends as well as working with new and emerging technologies. The RTL; Delphi’s runtime library, also is continually being enhanced and added-to so that it keeps making your life easier as a developer by simplifying the addition of powerful new features to your apps.

Modernisation? Laissez RAD Studio faire le travail pour vous.

The strength of RAD Studio Delphi is its ability to add this supercharge to your code while keeping it as simple as possible. After all, the “RAD” in RAD Studio means RAPID application development and it’s the reason why we choose to use RAD Studio to build modern robust applications in the fastest times possible with the minimum of effort.

La manière intelligente de se moderniser consiste à faire en sorte que RAD Studio Delphi fasse le travail difficile à notre place.

The Windows UI Library provides official native Windows UI controls and other user interface elements for Windows apps. It maintains down-level compatibility with earlier versions of Windows 10, so your app works even if users don’t have the latest OS.

Dans cette vidéo, le MVP d'Embarcadero Holger Flick nous présente une série de choses simples mais puissantes que nous pouvons faire avec RAD Studio Delphi pour faire passer nos applications au niveau supérieur.

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