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How to Effectively Spice Up Your Applications With Animations

How to Effectively Spice Up Your Applications With Animations

Animation will not just make the app’s user interface way better but it also improves the overall user experience. It is no doubt that animation has become an integral feature of modern applications. Whether it is a part of a Windows Application development, or a modern mobile application, when animation is used appropriately, it will effectively engage more users. Luckily, FMX or FireMonkey framework for Delphi is equipped with a sophisticated animation engine that makes it easy for Delphi users to spice up their applications.

In this video from the recently concluded DelphiCon 2023, Ray Kanopka will share with us some tips and tricks on how to spice up your applications with animations. In this video, Kanopka starts off with the basics and core features of FMX Animation that you need to understand in order to incorporate them properly into the application. The video will also dig into various Animation classes, properties, triggers, and interpolation to help us understand which animation feature we want to use when incorporating them into the applications.

Everything You Should Know About FMX Animation Features

The key piece to remember with animations is that you are changing a property value over time. Some of the properties that can be animated include position, size, opacity, rotation, and angle to name a few.

To do all the animation work, FMX gives us built-in classes that we can leverage. To understand how each property, method, and event work with FMX, Kanopka will also provide a series of demonstrations.

The video will also highlight Animation Triggers. This allows animations to be started automatically from property changes. We will also get to know more about Interpolation and to properly incorporate it with your application. In addition to that, the video also highlights AnimationType, Synchronized animation, Animation Time Codes, as well as Tab Transitions. If you want to learn more about how to effectively and efficiently spice up your application with Animations, feel free to watch the video below.  

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