Tag: videos

Everything You Need To Know About FireDAC And Data Access In Delphi

In this video from the recently concluded DelphiCon 2021, Cary Jensen along with his fellow Delphi experts Olaf Monien and Jens Fudge will discuss everything about FireDAC. FireDAC is a powerful Universal Data Access library for windows application development and other devices, connected to enterprise databases. Compared to other database access components, FireDAC is a relatively more easy-to-use access layer…

All You Need For An Automatic Telegram Invoice Bot App

There is a great number of instant messaging applications on the market today. One of the fastest-growing and increasingly popular apps is the Telegram app. Telegram is a freeware, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging application that provides end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls, chats, and several other features. It also comes with various developer tools that you can work with an…

This Is How To Use C++ Builder to Extend the Reach of Delphi

Many people know that you can mix C++ and Delphi in one app, however, not everyone knows how to implement this technique. Whether you are planning to develop windows 10 apps, iOS, or Android applications, you might find great reasons why combining two different programming languages can be extremely beneficial. In this video from the recently concluded DelphiCon 2021, David…
